DDay Music | 4th Quarter Pressure
4th Quarter Pressure made an impact that created a new vision forward. Over 1,2000 downloads, over 3,000 streams and a 4 star review don’t lie. This mixtape outlined a blueprint for success and was an instant classic. 4th Quarter Pressure features all the top artists in Hip-Hop and Rap on the hottest beats in the game.
Stream, listen and download the critically acclaimed and highest rated mixtape to date “4th Quarter Pressure” mixtape.
The following number reflects the percentage of Datpiff.com listener’s who streamed the mixtape vs. the number of listener’s chose to download.
Stream vs.Download Percentage
4th Quarter Pressure debut on Datpiff.com, Hotnewhiphop.com and LiveMixtapes.com. The following reflects the total number of downloads on Datpiff.com.
Total Downloads
4th Quarter Pressure laid the foundation DDay’s sound, creativity, motivation and success that is seen and heard today.